When Workers' Comp Goes Wrong

If you have been injured at your workplace, there are few better benefits than that of workers' comp. At no charge to you, you can have your employer's insurance cover you for your related medical expenses and give you some partially reimbursed time off to recover from your injuries. Sometimes, however, things don't go smoothly and your benefits get denied, delayed or are inadequate. Read on to learn more about what to do when your workers' comp benefits are not being delivered.

Your employer is refusing to pay for your medical care. If your injury is severe enough, you should seek care. Keep in mind that minor cuts and bruises, which may be remedied by a first aid kit, should not be filed with workers' comp insurance. You should understand that failure to get medical treatment for your injury could make it appear that it is not serious enough for coverage, so be sure to see a doctor right away. If you must use your own funds or your own health insurance to pay for your medical care, you can be reimbursed after your claim is approved. Once you inform your supervisor about your injury, they are required to allow you to attend to your medical treatment and to file a report or claim with the company's workers' comp carrier.

Your injury is severe and may be permanent. If your injury falls into the catastrophic category, such as those with amputations, head injuries, spinal injuries, severe burns, etc, you may find that your workers' comp benefits are inadequate to cover your level of needs. Workers' comp is meant to provide a temporary benefit for those who are expected to eventually return to work, but in some case you need to take another step to get compensated fairly. If your suspect that you have a more severe injury situation, you may need to get some legal representation from a workers comp attorney to assist you in negotiating a settlement. Not being able to work at a job for the remainder of your life constitutes major damages, and you need to have someone on your side to get the best compensation package you can.

Your injury is more difficult to prove. Some injuries require more expertise to prove, such as repetitive stress injuries and mental disorders. Injuries that occur over a prolonged period of time can be devastating, and you must take action with a claim as soon as you discover the harm done to you. If you are plagued by depression, anxiety, PTSD, and more as a result of your job, you are just as entitled to compensation as those with a broken leg. You should know that mental health injuries can be more challenging to prove and may require the help of a workers' comp attorney.

If you are experiencing problems with your claim, contact a workers' comp attorney immediately.
