Diabetes And Social Security Disability: What You Need To Know
When the average person thinks about Social Security Disability benefits, diabetes doesn't always come to mind. However, a disability is a medical condition or complication that limits your activity. If your diabetes is affecting your life in this manner, you may be eligible for benefits.
It Starts with a Formal Diagnosis
Before you can consider receiving disability benefits for your diabetes condition, you need to get a formal diagnosis. Suspecting that you have diabetes is not enough and will lead to an automatic denial. You must visit your physician and get an official, detailed, diagnosis of your condition. You will also need to continue visiting your provider in order to track the effects the disease has on your ability to lead a healthy life and earn a living. Keep a record of any documents and records supporting these claims.
Do Your Part
Even after you have received a formal diagnosis, this does not mean that your effort stops there. You are required to follow all guidelines recommended by your physician. If you do not, you put your claim in jeopardy for an automatic denial. For example, if you are not taking your medication as prescribed or not following dietary requirements, this could come back to haunt you. Make sure you're doing what's right not just to protect your disability claim, but also your health.
Qualifying for Benefits
Having a diagnosis of diabetes is not enough in itself to help you qualify for benefits. The Social Security Administration has clear guidelines in place that determine whether or not an applicant qualifies eligibility for assistance. First, you need to have a diabetes condition that is uncontrolled. Uncontrolled diabetes is a form of the disease where following dietary requirements, exercise, and even taking medication, such as insulin is not sufficient in keeping diabetes under control.
In addition to the condition being uncontrolled, it must also affect your ability to earn an income. For example, complications from your condition have prevented you from working for the past 12 months, or you don't think you will be able to work for the next 12 months due to complications of your uncontrolled condition can strengthen your chances.
The process of determining whether you qualify for Social Security Disability benefits for your diabetes and the process of applying for these benefits is often complex. To help minimize stress and improve your chances of a successful outcome, consider partnering with an attorney, such as from Horn & Kelley, PC Attorneys at Law, who can help you with these processes.